Logan has been getting some tummy time regularly to strengthen his muscles necessary for rolling over. As usual, I placed him on his stomach in front of the mirror on Wednesday morning, while I was getting ready to go to the library. Logan was pushing up really strong. I remember thinking, "Keep practicing like this, he is going to roll himself over within the next week!"
After the library "Baby Story Time" program, I put Logan on his tummy again to play with other babies. It was so cute! I grabbed the camera to take a picture. Oh no, it ran out of battery just when I was about to snap a shot. So I was fiddling with the camera for about 3, 4 seconds. When I looked up toward Logan again, he was on his back already! I shouted out, "Oh my god, he flipped over for the first time! Ohhhh, I didn't even see it!"
So this was the story of Logan's first time rolling over from tummy to back. Since then, we have not yet been able to reproduce the action. But as Logan's getting stronger, he will be able to turn himself more freely. I can't wait to witness Logan's new rollover skill myself!
Here is a picture taken a few minutes before Logan flipped over in the North York Central Library.
(Baby in blue name Nick, 8 days older than Logan.)
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